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Thursday, February 18, 2021

Program to find T-Code Roles org. level against SAP User


Program to find T-Code Roles org. level against SAP User.

This program is basically for the basis guys who want all the information of a user on one click.

SAP User -> T-Code -> SAP Roles -> Org. level

Table used:

AGR_USERS - Assignment of roles to users

AGR_1252 - Organizational elements for authorizations

AGR_1251 - Authorization data for the activity group

REPORT ztest.

  PARAMETERS user TYPE agr_users-uname DEFAULT 'RAHUL_ABAP'.

  TYPES BEGIN OF ty_final,
            tcode TYPE tcode,              " tcode
            uname TYPE agr_users-uname,  " user name
            role  TYPE agr_name,          " ROLE
            varbl TYPE agr_1252-varbl,   "  org level
          END OF ty_final.

  DATAit_final TYPE TABLE OF ty_final,
        wa_final TYPE ty_final.
  DATAit_fieldcat TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv,
        wa_fcat     TYPE slis_fieldcat_alv.


    PERFORM fetch_data.
    PERFORM display_data.

*& text
*& -->  p1        text
*& <--  p2        text
  FORM fetch_data .
    SELECT agr_name" role
           FROM agr_users INTO TABLE @DATA(t_userWHERE uname @user.  " for all role

    SELECT agr_name,
           FROM agr_1252 INTO TABLE @DATA(t_agrFOR ALL ENTRIES IN @t_user WHERE agr_name @t_user-agr_name.  " for all org level agains role
    SORT t_agr BY agr_name.

   SELECT agr_name,
          FROM AGR_1251 INTO TABLE @DATA(t_tcodeFOR ALL ENTRIES IN @t_user WHERE agr_name =  @t_user-agr_name AND OBJECT 'S_TCODE'.

   LOOP AT t_tcode INTO DATA(w_tcode.

      wa_final-tcode w_tcode-low.
      wa_final-uname =  user.
      LOOP AT t_agr INTO DATA(w_agrWHERE agr_name w_tcode-agr_name.
        wa_final-role w_agr-agr_name.
        wa_final-varbl w_agr-varbl.

        APPEND wa_final TO it_final.

     CLEAR w_tcode.

*& text
*& -->  p1        text
*& <--  p2        text
  FORM display_data .
    PERFORM create_fieldcat.
*       I_INTERFACE_CHECK  = ' '
*       I_BYPASSING_BUFFER = ' '
*       I_BUFFER_ACTIVE    = ' '
        i_callback_program sy-repid
*       I_CALLBACK_PF_STATUS_SET          = ' '
*       I_CALLBACK_USER_COMMAND           = 'INT_ALV1'
        it_fieldcat        it_fieldcat
*       IT_EXCLUDING       =
*       IT_SORT            =
*       IT_FILTER          =
*       IS_SEL_HIDE        =
        i_default          'X'
        i_save             'I'
        t_outtab           it_final[]
        program_error      1
        OTHERS             2.
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.

*& text
*& -->  p1        text
*& <--  p2        text
  FORM create_fieldcat .

    wa_fcat-fieldname 'UNAME'.
    wa_fcat-tabname 'IT_FINAL'.
    wa_fcat-seltext_m 'USER NAME'.
    wa_fcat-outputlen '20'.
    APPEND wa_fcat TO it_fieldcat.
    CLEAR wa_fcat.

    wa_fcat-fieldname 'TCODE'.
    wa_fcat-tabname 'IT_FINAL'.
    wa_fcat-seltext_m 'T-CODE'.
    wa_fcat-outputlen '20'.
    APPEND wa_fcat TO it_fieldcat.
    CLEAR wa_fcat.

    wa_fcat-fieldname 'ROLE'.
    wa_fcat-tabname 'IT_FINAL'.
    wa_fcat-seltext_m 'ROLE.'.
    wa_fcat-outputlen '30'.
    APPEND wa_fcat TO it_fieldcat.
    CLEAR wa_fcat.

    wa_fcat-fieldname 'VARBL'.
    wa_fcat-tabname 'IT_FINAL'.
    wa_fcat-seltext_m 'ORG. LEVEL'.
    wa_fcat-outputlen '30'.
    APPEND wa_fcat TO it_fieldcat.
    CLEAR wa_fcat.


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